Monday, May 28, 2012

Off to camp I go...

Tomorrow morning, I'll be getting on a plane headed for (a still quite chilly) Unalakleet, AK for Bible Camp! I am really looking forward to spending the next 5+ weeks in a place that has come to feel like my 'second home' in Alaska. This will only be my fifth time to Unalakleet, but each visit I feel a bit more excited to go, and everything feels a bit more familiar.

This visit will be for Bible Camp, where I will be counseling the first three weeks (Leadership Camp, High School Camp, and Junior High Camp). I'll then be doing either travel planning, or any other role that needs to be filled. The last week of my time in Unalakleet will be spent in town (camp is 9 miles upriver from the village of Unalakleet) working on various CYAK tasks, and enjoying spending time with friends over the 4th of July.

It is so exciting to be heading to camp knowing what Bible Camp in rural Alaska looks like. Its truly such a unique and special place, and I count it a blessing to have the opportunity to be involved in such a needed and awesome ministry again this summer!

During my time at camp, I will have zero phone service, and little to no internet access, so if you would like to send me snail mail, you can address your envelope like this:

Lauren Ernst
Covenant Bible Camp
PO Box 202
Unalakleet, AK 99684

If you write me, I'll write you back! Let's be pen pals!

A few of my Jr. High Campers last year. Looking forward to seeing them again this year!
Every week, we take a hike on the tundra. This pic is from High School week last year.
Looking North from Unalakleet right out of town. Unalakleet truly is gorgeous. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

There went April...and most of May too!

The last couple of months have absolutely flown by. That means: it's update time!

A few of the happenings from the last month and a half:

• Arrival of Jenni Jobe, a friend from college and new CYAK worker
• Moved back to my lovely apartment after two+ months
• Running lots to prepare for a 1/2 marathon coming up on Saturday
• Bonfires with friends
• BBQs for birthdays and surprises
• Tea Parties (ok, maybe just one - happy birthday, Robyn!)
• Final Arigaa Scavenger Hunt
• Final soccer game - another undefeated season!
• Hiking with the NPU Bible Camp team on their way through Anchorage
• Arrival of Kara Bladel (and her good friend Eric for a few days) to Wasilla!
• Lots of green buds and warmer temps (We hit 67 yesterday = HOT)
• Late-night light that keeps staying longer and longer
• Busy busy busy at work - lots of prep for Bible Camp
• Heading out for Unalakleet on Tuesday until July 7!

So, there you have it. It's been busy to say the least, but I am continually thankful for all of the fun and exciting experiences I've been blessed to have. More later on camp - but for now, consider yourself (at least somewhat) updated!

Late-night sunshine.
Amy's Birthday BBQ: Me, Julie, Amy, Jenni and Robyn
Most incredible tea party EVER.
There were 126 and I guessed 124, which means I'll be drinking tea for a looooong time. :)
Mmmm loose leaf.
Robyn, the birthday girl!
Such a fun afternoon!
NPUers and Arigaaers on a hike up Bird Creek in Anchorage.
I've been able to spend some time with sweet baby Levi (Jamie and Erica Rose's babe) the past couple of weeks!
At the Anchorage Market. Hooray Alaska.
GREEN! Oh, how I love the color green.
Flowers popping up slowly but surely!
Julie Dierck's thank you party.
Hello stickies and to-do lists!