Monday, November 12, 2012

Winter Sun

I realize it is only November 12, which to many of you means peak 'fall' season, or at least the end of it. But here in Alaska, it's feeling pretty wintery as of late. Now that we've had daylight savings, the sun appears much later in the morning, and bids us adieu much earlier as well. Though the sun's departure isn't my favorite thing, winter in Alaska has it's perks. And one of them is the absolutely beautiful sunrises and sunsets that we get to see EVERY day. No waking up at dawn. No staying up till the wee hours of the morning (as fun as that can be come summertime). Nope. We get to see all of that glory when we're already up and going for the day. See? Isn't Alaska sweet? I think so. This is a pic from Saturday's sunrise. This doesn't do it justice seeing as its taken through the window of my apartment, but you get the picture ;)