Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conquering Deb's Challah

We've been getting an abnormal amount of snow lately. It really is quite lovely, but I must admit that I keep thinking, "It's April! Shouldn't we be planting flowers and mowing lawns, and pulling out the grill?!" But alas, I am quickly reminded that I do live in Alaska, and these snows are not so uncommon. So, I've decided to enjoy the fluffy white stuff while its here because summer (or spring, rather) really is just around the corner!

One way I like to enjoy the snow is by staying in. Trust me - I love being out in the snow too - but sometimes nothing beats watching the snow fall from the warmth of your home. Sunday was one of those days. I decided to enjoy my afternoon by making a loaf of bread I've been wanting to try ever since Christmas when my awesome boyfriend David gave me Deb Perelman's Smitten Kitchen cookbook.

The bread is called Fig, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt Challah. And it looks intimidating. Not because of the name, but because of the picture. It is a braided beauty. But, I was up for a challenge, and guess what? It wasn't even that hard! And it looks beautiful! And tastes pretty darn good too. You should try it too...its seriously satisfying.

Snow snow and more snow.
See? Intimidation.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Skiing

You know you live in an awesome place when you can take a couple of hours out of your day to go downhill skiing. On Thursday I made my way down to Alyeska in Girwood to use a late day ski pass.  I only had one hour to kill, but I made the most of it! Nine runs, zero liftlines, and pure joy. Everyone needs a couple soul-refreshing, sun-soaking, nature-loving hours from time to time!