Sunday, September 23, 2012

From Summer to Winter.

I realize its been a while since I have added something to this little page known as my blog. I really have no good excuse. But in thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that there tends to be a dip in my blog writing every year around this time. Why you ask? Because it is the time of year where the 'Great Alaska Transition' happens, of course! As much as I would like that to be a real phrase, it is not. But I think that many Alaskans would agree it definitely could be!

Every year between the summer and winter, us Alaska residents go through some pretty significant transition. We go from hiking, biking, fishing, berry picking, staying up late and getting up early to ... winter. And that's not to say that there isn't a lot of fun outdoor winter activities in Alaska (in fact, there are endless outdoor winter activities here if you're willing to brave the cold - and do it during the couple of hours of daylight each day!), but it has more to say that there is a sort of rhythm in Alaska where in the summer we go, and in the winter slow down. At least some.

This rhythm of life has become something that I really appreciate and love about Alaska, and I am quite thankful for it. It's just one reason why sometimes at this time of year I don't blog a whole bunch because I just don't feel like there is a whole bunch to blog about! Or maybe I should say, there are things to blog about, but they are a bit different. So with that, please accept my apology for being gone so long. I will do my best to continue to blog - even during the slower pace of winter.

With that...I'll get to this post. You may know that it has been raining a lot here lately. Like a lot a lot. Think two weeks of nonstop rain. I know for some of you, that's just a drop in the bucket (ha!), but for this Colorado sunshine lover, two weeks without a ray of sunshine is a long time. A really long time. Fortunately, a couple of days ago, the clouds cleared, and we were greeted with a gorgeous fall day. Thank goodness! So we decided on the way to work that we needed to take a quick stop at the Palmer Hayflats and enjoy the rays for a bit. And I am so glad we did. Hopefully we'll have a few more of these days before the winter really sets in!

Oh the beauty!
Fall is my favorite. 
Happy rain-free friends!

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