Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's try this again.

Hello friends and family,

If you are reading this, thank you! I realize I absolutely flopped in posting to my blog last year. I know that probably disappointed some of you – especially those of you who followed my blog while I studied abroad in Sweden, since I did so well at updating that one regularly. After giving it some thought though, I think the reason why I was so bad about updating this blog is because I live in Alaska, and this blog is about my life and ministry here. And its not that my Swedish blog wasn't. I definitely lived in and experienced Sweden. But its different, and I just didn't feel like I had enough to "update" you all on.

However, I am glad to say that I have realized a few things:
a) I am always learning and experiencing new things
b) I actually do enjoy blogging, and
c) I enjoy sharing my experiences with others, especially when I know how many of you are supporting me and my work in one way or another.

So, having said that, I am excited to "re-start" my blog for year number two! I hope you'll follow along!


PS- I'll put up a few pics that highlight the last few months...enjoy!

Unalakleet, AK from the Bering Sea in June.
King Crab!
A few of my Jr. High Campers at Covenant Bible Camp!
The CYAK/Bible Camp office in Unalakleet. I spent about 5 days in here coordinating plane travel for campers.
Back in the MatSu Valley hiking Lazy Mountain with Kara Bladel!
Beautiful Eklutna Lake. Went on a couple of bike rides here this summer with some friends!
In July, I went with some coworkers to a cabin 30 miles NW of Tok in the Alaska Range.
Hiking up Marmot Peak with Mary Helwig, and enjoying the greenery!!
Back to Unalakleet for Nick and Nikki Bruckner's wedding!
And Kylie and Austen Erickson's wedding too!
...and for Vision Camp – Bible Camp for young adults!
Lots of berry picking! Salmonberries, blueberries, and currents!
One of my favorite parts of summer in Alaska: Beautiful and abundant fireweed.


  1. yea! I'm excited to follow along! And as always the pictures make me melt. `Heather`

  2. You are the bestest for re-starting this blog, complete with your beautiful beautiful photography! And thus, I will reward you with a blog comment.
